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Q: How should you feel the day after you faint?
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What word do you use when you feel like to pass out?

i feel faint or i feel dizzy or commonly used im gonna faint! -bekahcboo

Why does it feel like yesterday when you faint?

because you cant remember what happen and you wake up next day... your so wired x

Is there a spice that makes people feel faint?

No, there is not,

If i don't eat or sleep for a day will i faint at school tomorrow?

You are not guaranteed to faint, although it is a possibility since you are depleting your body of what it needs to thrive. You will not feel great, most likely just tired, hungry and irritable. I can promise you that.

Why should a child faint?

I don't really think children should faint... it's not exactly healthy.

Does the body feel sick if it is over 35 degrees?

Yes, u can faint or feel nauseas!

You are only 12 years old and your ekg came out fine but you still feel like you are going to like die or faint what should you do?

take a rennie

How do I get unconscious?

It is not recommended to intentionally make yourself unconscious as it can be dangerous. If you feel faint or lose consciousness unexpectedly, you should seek medical attention immediately.

What does it mean if you took a pregnancy test the day before your next period should start and it came out negative but the line was very faint like almost not there?

How can it be negative if there was a faint line. my period was a day late with a very faint line and im definitely pregnant u have very low HCG in ur urine at the time ur period is due if u are pregnant that's y the line is faint. Congradulations

Why is it helpful to lie down if you feel faint?

Because it helps your breathing

Why its helpful to lie down if you feel faint?

Because it helps your breathing