They stopped using the soccer ball, and used a larger ball for basketball in 1894.
hi I like basketball
My friends and I tried out for the basketball team.
The proper way to use basketball equipment is using it to play basketball.
The basketball player was very well known.
by using paint brush
1st,your iphone has to be jailbroken. After that,download winterboard. I is free. U can download it using cydia. Next, search in cydia for any theme you want. After downloading the theme that you want, go to winterboard. The theme that you downloaded should be in there. Select it and your device will respring. Congratulations! U now have a theme.
The theme is that instead of using money on yourself, you should use it on other people. Or in other words, you can change someone's life by not being greedy.
It looks as if xstillfly is currently using a customized theme. This means that somebody personally created the theme, and it isn't available in the Tumblr theme garden. Although this theme isn't publicly available, you might try contacting the user and asking if they'd be willing to share the code for their theme so you may using it.
I supplied my friend with the basketball.
The first basketball wasent an auctual basketball it was a soccer ball.