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it depends on the excitment in the females view

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Q: How should the female feel that she is discharging during intercourse?
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What should you do if you are uncomfortable with thrusting during intercourse?

take it slower

When and how a woman should intercours for conciving?

awoman should have intercourse every day and during ovulation

What causes watery discharge from female breast during intercouse?

Hormones excreted during intercourse and orgasm can cause a discharge from the male or female - it is most likely to happen in a woman who is or has been pregnant or recently stopped breast feeding. If this does not apply to you, you should discuss this with your doctor as there are medical conditions that can also cause the discharge.

How soon after intercourse can you get an accurate hcg level?

If you are referring to when you can detect hcg levels during pregnancy, you should wait 14 days after intercourse to get an accurate test.

Should a women wear dress during sexual intercourse?

You can do it any way you like, but for convenience, couples usually undress, completely or partially, for sexual intercourse.

Can you have sexual intercourse during treatment of pneumonia?

You should be able to but you might have pain of the chest and throat if you do.

Is men allowed to discharge on the woman body in Islam?

Nothing; per Islam religion rules; explicitly allows or forbids discharging on the woman body during intercourse sex process. Generally all kinds of sex (oral or intercourse sex) are allowed between husband and wife who are licitly married per Islam religion rules; on the following conditions:Anal sex is forbiddensex during wife menstruation (monthly period) is forbiddenAll sexual acts and positions should be to pleasure, satisfaction, acceptance of both husband and wife.

Should a female release the fluid during the climax of intercourse?

It happens sometimes to some women especially when intensely aroused, and there's there's no'should' or 'shouldn't' about it. So, there's nothing to worry about. Have a couple of thick towels to hand.

Does it hurt when the female is on top during sexual intercourse?

it depends on delicate/fragile your vagina is. It hurt on mine because mine is fragile if its strong it won't hut most are very delicate like mine!

How do buffalos reproduce?

they do by sexual intercourse by a male and female and this is not something that is weird or disgusting its actually what should mammals do to reproduce and make a wonderful family

What are the signs in a girl for an unstisfactory intercourse?

If she seems bored, if she express discontent, if she seems upset if she does not orgasm, if she is not breathing hard or heavy. If you are having problems with successfully satisfying your female partner, you should talk to her. Ask her what she wants in sex. Ask her what you can do to make it better for her or make her more comfortable. If she not relaxed during intercourse it is very hard for it to seem fulfilling.

Is it okay to have intercourse during pregnancy?

you should always check with your doctor first, but as long as it is a healthy & normal pregnancy and there is no discomfort it should be ok.