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Keep them clean, pretty much the same as any other skin. Aside from that, there's no real need to do anything in particular about them.

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Q: How should a girl treat labia?
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Can guys have labia?

No they can not. Unless they are hermaphrodites, but your average man should not have labia.

How does a girl's labia turn black?

The rush of blood into the labia caused by sexual stimulation can cause the labia to turn a dark color. If the labia belong to someone of a dark complexion, ie African American, Indian, etc. the labia may become black with age. It should also be considered that caucasian women who have more than frequent sexual activity can develop a darker color in their labia from friction, stretching and oversized, prolonged penetration.

Labia of 13 years old girl?

What is the question?

I have an uneven labia what should I do?

All labia are different and can be uneven. It's completely natural.

Can virgin girl have dark labia minora?

Yes, the color of a girl's intimate area has nothing to do with virginity.

What should you do when you like a girl?

ask her out, treat her to a good dinner and bed her

What i should do with this girl?

Take her out to a movie and pizza. Plus, treat her with respect.

How should you treat your teenager girl?

Treat her with patience and teach her patience. Teach each other good things.

Is it normal for a woman's labia majora to be flat?

Exposure to the Internet, magazines, and other mediums in which female genitals are center stage contributes to a woman's belief that their labia should look a certain way, however, there is no universal standard for what labia should look like.

How can a girl pee straight?

spread apart the labia (lips) and pee full forse

What is the plural of the word labia minora?

The plural of labia minora is labia minora. It does not change in plural form.