

How sensitive are your hands?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: How sensitive are your hands?
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Are breasts more sensitive than hands?

No. There are more sensory nerve endings involved in the hands.

Are your feet more sensitive then your hands?

In general, hands tend to be more sensitive than feet. This is because the hands have a higher density of nerve endings, allowing for more precise sensing of touch, pressure, and texture. Feet, on the other hand, are designed to support body weight and withstand pressure, leading to them being less sensitive compared to hands.

What is the objectives to OPSEC?

To keep sensitive information out of our enemies hands.

What is a synomym for Touchy subject?

An area that is taboo, or hands-off.

Different parts of your body are differently sensitive to touch What if your tongue is most sensitive Where are you least sensitive?

If your tongue is the most sensitive to touch, you are likely to be less sensitive in areas where the skin is thicker, such as the soles of your feet or palms of your hands. These areas have a higher concentration of calloused skin, which provides more protection and reduces sensitivity to touch.

Is it bad if metal touches your eye?

Yes because your eyes are very sensitive and are even affected by your hands touching them.

What have you done if your penius starts bleeding?

u are very sensitive to masturbation or your hands have too many callouses and are rough.

What is a good Skin cleanser for greasy hands that are sensitive?

Any hand wash of good company with mild detergent helps you.

What are adaptations of a star nosed mole?

Its nose it is very sensitive and acts as a pair of hands to feel around and can dectect prey!  

Does Donald Trump have tiny hands?

Yes, Donald Trump's hands are relatively small, especially for a man as tall as he is. However, his hands are not small enough to attractive attention or to handicap him in any way. His hands have been estimated to be in the 15 %-tile, which is to say that 85% of men have larger hands. ( The reason that his hands are discussed in the news is that sexual jokes are made about their size and he seems to be sensitive about them. )

What does diplomat mean?

Dilomatic means,skilled in dealing with sensitive matters or people,also tactful.

Which two body part tested are least sensitive?

The least sensitive body parts tend to be the back and the palms of the hands. These areas have fewer nerve endings compared to other parts of the body, resulting in reduced sensitivity to touch and pain.