Hormones secreted by the body stimulate the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. People on hemodialysis(due to kidney failure) with a low blood count take a synthetic(man- made) hormone called Epogen or Procrit to help stimulate blood cell production. It's very expensive, but since it came into use, it drastically reduced the need for blood transfusions in the dialysis clinic. A healthy person can produce enough hormone to stimulate red blood cell production & replace the blood lost, unless it's massive volume. I
Lemmings reproduce sexually, similar to other mammals. They are more likely to reproduce when there are plenty of resources, and they can reproduce quickly.
They can reproduce quickly.
because it can decompose quickly and reproduce quickly
the ability to reproduce quickly
spawn Prolific
The term for being able to have lots of babies or reproduce quickly is "high reproductive rate" or "high fecundity."
Rabbits reproduce quickly, with a gestation period of about 30 days and a litter size of 4-12 babies. They can have multiple litters in a year, allowing them to multiply rapidly.
Red blood cells, when mature, have no nucleus and can not reproduce.
Seeds are dispersed through flowers by clinging to fur and clothing. They reproduce quickly and grow fast.
Bacteria can reproduce extremely quickly if in the right environment. Under favorable conditions, a single bacteria can reproduce 108 bacteria in twelve hours.
Fish reproduce too quickly