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Q: How poor hygiene will affect health in formula feeds?
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How can poor hygiene affect a baby's health in relation to formula feeds and sterilisation?

If the baby's bottles etc doesn't get cleaned, there will be bacteria that forms which can make the baby ill. Baby's immune system isn't as developed as grown ups, thus they have to be "pampered" a lot more than us, in all aspects especially when it comes to what they eat and drink.

How do close formula feeds differ frim open formula feeds?

the feed formula is changed to minimize fluctuations in the ingredient cost

How will the various types of material affect the feeds and speeds that can be used?

Different materials have varying levels of hardness, ductility, and thermal conductivity, which can impact the feeds and speeds used during machining. Hard materials may require slower speeds and feeds to prevent tool wear, while softer materials can withstand faster cutting speeds. Ductile materials may need lower feeds to prevent chip buildup, whereas brittle materials can tolerate higher feeds. Thermal conductivity can also affect the heat generated during cutting, influencing the selection of feeds and speeds.

How does the umbilical cord provide support to a growing embryo?

I health we were taught that it feeds and regulates the temp of the embryo

How do close formula feeds differ from open formula feeds?

The feed system cycles between boiler and turbine and enables the steam to return to the boiler as feed water. A closed feed cycles a main propulsion steam run turbine through a high pressure water tube boiler. The condenser, set to a high vacuum, will receive the steam turbine exhaust.

What are basal feeds?

Basal feeds are feeds made to supply energy to the animals

What is the past tense of feeds?

there is no past tense for feeds, because the word feeds is a noun

What is starter feeds?

how do you feeds pet mouse

How does a hummingbird feeds?

it feeds off of water

Cause of diarrhea with tube feeds?

There can be multiple causes of diarrhea with tube feeds. (1) The rate of flow is too fast. When too much formula hits the gut at once, the gut can react with diarrhea. The solution is to feed more slowly. (2) Sometimes the osmolarity of the formula is more than the gut can handle. Fluid is drawn in to the gut to equalize the osmolarity, thus causing diarrhea. The solution is to adjust the calorie density of the formula (do NOT do this without consulting a dietician or physician!). Deborah Terrill, RN

What is in the bread dough that yeast feeds on?

It feeds on sugar

What is the relationship between a nematode and a sheep?

Parasitism. The nematode feeds on the blood, or breaks down the intestines of sheep. Depending on the nematode, the affected sheep can either have a minor affect, diahrea or lockjaw, or major affect, brain trauma and death.