Pain scale of 1-10, it was a 6 for me (that's with 10 being natural childbirth). Swallowing and talking is a bit weird, but pain is not bad. Doctor discharged me with Lortab 7.5mg, but I only needed 2 for the eve and night. I switched to Tylenol and that worked great without the side effects of Lortab.
Thyroidectomy is the process of removing the thyroid. The result is hypothyroidism if not treated with thyroid hormone. Thyroidectomy is sometimes done to treat hyperthyroidism.
That is not correct. I have known patients to survive 20 years after a complete thyroidectomy. They faithfully took the prescribed medication and lived right.
what does an elevated immunoglobulin after thyroidectomy indiate
What are the sign and symptoms of thyroidectomy? Answer It!In:Symptoms[Edit categories]
Thyroidectomy is the removal of the thyroid hemithyroidectomy is the removal of one lobe of the thyroid gland parathyroidectomy is the removal of one or more lobes of the parathyroid which is behind the thyroid gland.
This can occur if the parathyroid glands are injured or removed at the time of the thyroidectomy.
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There are many patients who attribute weight gain to their thyroidectomy procedures. However, a 2011 study found no significant correlation between thyroidectomy and subsequent weight gain.
Painful genital blisters can be treated with an anesthetic cream recommended by a doctor or pharmacist.
No. If you dont treat it, becomes painful. You have to get it treated.
No it is not
The removal of the thyroid gland ( thyroidectomy ) is usually indicated for conditions such as hypercalcemia, hyperthyriodism, enlarged thyroid gland, and/or thryroid tumors.