You can't . There is no possible way to become a spy without being old enough. You have to meet the age requirements! Sorry!
you must become a premeium member
become a secret agent you must be 30 days old click up on the right top corner of the screen then click become an agent pass the test and you will receive a spy phone click on the spy phone and then click on the red light thingy click it 2 times you will see a wrench
Spy kids become spy's by training a lot and working hard if you really want to be a spy you can be one
You must be at least 35 years old to become president of Ireland.
Be a spy
user- jrken password mr.tino
Not in the United states or United Kingdom they have a minimum age of 21
YES unless you have a penis
Since you have to be 30 days old to be a spy agent I think you have to be 30 days old to become a life guard
you go to the headquarters in spy island
was molly picher a spy