Spies can be any age at all, from 10 up to 100. Most are between 20 and 50 though, for obvious reasons (any younger and they sometimes do not get the idea, any older and they can't sometimes do the job).
You can't . There is no possible way to become a spy without being old enough. You have to meet the age requirements! Sorry!
you must become a premeium member
become a secret agent you must be 30 days old click up on the right top corner of the screen then click become an agent pass the test and you will receive a spy phone click on the spy phone and then click on the red light thingy click it 2 times you will see a wrench
Spy kids become spy's by training a lot and working hard if you really want to be a spy you can be one
You must be at least 35 years old to become president of Ireland.
Be a spy
user- jrken password mr.tino
Not in the United states or United Kingdom they have a minimum age of 21
YES unless you have a penis
Since you have to be 30 days old to be a spy agent I think you have to be 30 days old to become a life guard
you go to the headquarters in spy island
was molly picher a spy