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Any age.

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Accept that your boyfriend has a need for female validation and doesn't care how you feel about it, or break up with him so that you can be with someone who doesn't feel the need to boast and have other women hang all over him.

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There is no need to feel bad, it happens to everyone. I have been in the exact same situation, all you need to do is think about your friends feelings, and also your own. If you like someone, pluck up the courage, and tell your friend how you feel about the whole situation whilst being considerate too. I hope my advice works.

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it's up to you if you feel ready or not

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You cannot make someone grow up, only time and maturity does that, but you can make someone feel unloved, unwanted in their own home to the point of feeling resentful and push them out of your home AND your life for good.

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They feel the need to keep up with the Jones, foolish isn't it.

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well, clearly yeah.. but after that you'll realize you don't need him & you'll find someone better.. but you shouldn't feel bad if YOU broke up with him because well it was your decision.. hope i helped :)

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Well there are many ways to break up with someone, but not all of them are the best ways. I personally believe that you just need to be honest with the person, tell them how you actually feel. But don't be rude about it after all you wouldn't want someone to be rude about it if they were dumping you.