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Around 14-17 to start growing. At the age 16-17 it will start growing faster and longer.

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Q: How old do you have to be to grow a beard?
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Will you grow a beard if you oil your chin?

No that is just an old saying

What did an 11-year-old girl suggest that Lincoln grow?

a beard

How did Abraham Lincoln Decide to grow a beard?

An 11 year old girl wrote him a letter telling him he would look good with a beard.

What president was told by an eleven year old to grow a beard?

I think Abraham Lincoln.

How old are most men when they can grow a beard?

Most guys start to be able to grow significant facial hair around 16

What 11 year old girl suggested that Lincoln should grow a beard?

Her name was Grace Bedell.

Who was the name of the girl who wrote Abraham Lincoln asking him to grow a beard?

Grace Beddell, 11 years old

You are 17 years old you can grow your mustache and few beard on chin and neck is there any way to get your beard full?

Shaving even if you don't need it yet is supposed to stimulate growth.

Elevan year old Grace Bedell told Abraham Lincoln to grown his whAT?

She told him to grow a beard because she thought he was ugly. He took her advice and started growing a beard the next day.

Is there any way to make your beard grow faster if you have fuzz?

Shaving a beard makes it start to grow faster. --Shaving your beard is but only a myth, some have the ability to grow a beard relatively fast, while others do not, look at members of your family and generally you will fall into some category of that sort.

How do you grow a Muslim beard?

Don't shave .

Did a woman ever grow a beard?
