According to research you stop growing, or grow very little around the years of 16 -17 then when you are 18 - 19 you may get another growth spurt.
Though it is really all down to the DNA, as each person varies.
21 years old is when your body stop growing.
Normally before 18 years old. But it really depends. Your ears and noses never stop growing.
Your feet normally stop growing when you are between sixteen and eighteen years old.
Of course, whereas blacks never stop growing.
Most young Women stop growing at the age of 17-18 years.
it matters how old you are
8yrs old
when you are 20 yrs old
when they are 7 8 years old.
its not really beneficial for them to stop growing, as the old saying goes, if youre not growing, you're dying :) might be based on business, but its true