Well, someone like Matthew Hollis would go about 2-3 times a day - once before brekfast, once afterwards and once afterschool (never at school).
however really weird people go about 6-8 times a day. Waly.
about three to four times, if more.. go see a doctor.
This depends on a number of things, including how much fluids you consume (in both food and beverages), salt intake, medications, exercise, sweating, etc. Medical conditions, such as bladder infections, high blood pressure, and pregnancy, also affect this.
Since there are so many things to take into consideration, there is no way to say how often you should pee in a day.
a 6 year old should pee around three times a day
you should pee atleast 3 times a day
poop 2 times a day, and pee 4 times a day, and fart 14-15 times a day IS NORMAL BELIEVE IT OR NOT
depends how much milk it gets average is 10-13 times a day
A 12-week-old puppy should typically pee every 1-2 hours during the day, and may need to go out once or twice during the night.
You should take in atleast 2000-2500 ml of water a day to maintain healthy fluid balance in the body. You normally urinate about 1500 ml of that.
at least 20 million people pee there pants every second of the day..... oops i just peed
At 12 weeks old, puppies typically need to pee every 1-2 hours during the day.
A 12-week-old puppy typically needs to pee every 1-2 hours during the day.
During potty training, a toddler should be encouraged to pee every 1-2 hours to help establish a routine and develop bladder control.
It all depends on the babies genes, height, and weight. So look at those factors and see !
do you love me or should i go pee-pee on you, Joerty Hertyolpe