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Q: How often should you flush a port?
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How often should you flush oil on a car?

Every 3000 miles or every 3 months, whichever comes first.

How long does it take to form a clot in a Port-a-Cath if it was not flushed after a blood draw?

Ports can clot off in less than an hour after a blood draw with no flush after. That is the worst thing you can do to a port is to not flush it especially after a blood draw. Once you have a clot it can be very difficult if not impossible to fix and you may need a new port entirely.

How often do you flush the transmission on your Hyundai?

I do it every year.

How often do you need to flush the power steering fluid on a 2003 Toyota highlander?

You need to flush the power steering fluid on a 2003 Toyota Highlander every two to three years. You should check the fluid levels weekly.

How often should a 4 wheel drive fluid flush be done on a vehicle?

Be more specific, Are you talking about the transfer case, transmission, or front differential?

Should you open the pressure relief valve when you flush the water heater?

Yes, you should, it helps air get in to flush more quickly.

Do I Flush or do I not flush 1995 Honda Accord transmission fluid?

You should not flush 1995 Honda Accord transmission fluid. Transmission fluid should be taken to the appropriate dumping site and disposed of there.

Should the car be running to flush the radiator?

Just flushing the radiator, no but to flush the system, yes.

How often should power steering system be flushed?

It is not necessary to flush the power steering system in a car. However, you should check the power steering fluid level in the car each month.

Who often used the Port of New Orleans?

Who often used the Port of New Orleans? What happened when the port was given to France?

Which port is currently most often used for connecting scanners?

Parallel port