If you are a health care worker, this should be done yearly. Otherwise, every 5- 10 years is usually acceptable. As always, consult your physician for your particular circumstances.
a ppd test can be given every month
Even if you are allergic to henna or PPD you can get a tattoo, but you should not and you will regret it if you do.
someone who has been tested for tb and had a negative result but then on a second test has a positive result
The PPD is a test for exposure to tuberculosis. There is no reason not to get this test if you were recently stick with the flu.
once a month
How often you get a chest x-ray is dependent on signs and symptoms following a positive PPD read. If no signs and symptoms are present once every ten years is standard. They also have the ability now to have blood drawn and tested yearly for Healthcare workers as opposed to chest x-rays. If signs and symptoms are present then your family Dr will do labs along with chest x-ray.
10 years
If you work in a hospital or lab where exposure to TB is possible then get a TB skin test every 6 months to a year, depending on your work setting.
If you work in a hospital or lab where exposure to TB is possible then get a TB skin test every 6 months to a year, depending on your work setting.
at least annually
every 12-18 months
GFCI outlets should be tested monthly to ensure they are working properly. This can be done by pressing the "Test" and then "Reset" buttons on the outlet. If the GFCI does not trip when tested, it may need to be replaced.