Laid off often means a temporary condition due to factors which may change, you can then be re-employed if the economics alter. Terminated is permanent.
A meal laid out on a long table is often referred to as a "feast" or a "banquet".
They are toads' eggs, which are laid in long strings parallel to each other. They are often stuck to aquatic vegetation.
1- why should alternate layers be laid at 90 degrees to each other?
Yes, but people don't use it very often.
The earliest known scientist who laid the foundation for natural science is Theophrasthus,often called father of botany
no he like girls and gets laid often
It helps ugly and lonely people get laid often!!
No it does not. Astro turf is fake grass often laid on rubber chip.
Daily Fresh eggs should be collected every day in moderate temperatures. Eggs laid in cold (freezing) weather and in hot temperatures should be gathered at least twice per day to prevent spoilage.
Do you mean "what" should you put on app? You put Laid off. You put "seasonal layoff" or "slow business." If you mean "why" - because they need to know what experience you have.
Every thursday when the sun is at its highest point and becker and murray get it on