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According to the Dental Association a child should get their first eye exam when they are 6 months old, 3 years old and when they start school. After that children should have an eye exam every 2 years unless there is a risk factor (such as family history of eye disease). Adults should get an eye exam every two years if they are ages 18 to 60. If the adult has risk factors or wears contact lenses they should get an exam every year (or more if required by the doctor). Adults who wear glasses or are over the age of 60 should get their exams annually.

Eye exams should be done once a year. If you have some other eye problem the doctor may recommend you do an exam more frequently.

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How often should you see your eye doctor for a checkup?

Eye Appointment You should visit an eye doctor once per year for a regular eye exam.

How often should I go to the eye doctor for an exam?

You should go to the eye doctor at least once a year for an eye exam if you have risk factors such as diabetes, eye problems, family history of glaucoma, etc. Those with no concerning issues should have an eye exam every 2-4 years. Those over the age of 65 should have one every 1-2 years. Most optometrists will recommend that you get an eye exam at least once a year but if you are having trouble reading or if your vision is blurred than you should get an exam right away. Typically as you age you should get an exam more often.

How often should children have an eye exam?

Children should have eye exams at least every two years. The first eye exam is generally conducted around six months of age to ensure that the child's vision is not hindered.

How often can you get an eye exam with aetna medicare?

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When should children get their first eye exam?

According to the American Optometric Association, the first infant eye exam should be performed at the age of 6 months. Early eye exams are important for children because early diagnoses of vision problems often offers higher cure rates and greater treatment success.

Buy Glasses Only When Offered A Free Eye Exam ?

Many companies that sell glasses are so desperate to create sales that they will pay for your eye exam. You will get a free eye exam if you buy frames from them afterward. You should really not get an eye exam unless you are offered this type of a deal. This is not to say that you should put it off if you need it. You should just make sure that you look around until you find a free eye exam. Do not settle for anything else, because there are a lot of companies out there that are offering these deals.

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How often should you get an eye exam?

It is recommended to get an eye exam every 1-2 years for adults under 60, and annually for those over 60 or with pre-existing eye conditions. However, if you experience any changes in your vision or eye health, you should schedule an appointment with an eye care professional promptly.

What kind of eye exam is performed for flashers and floaters?

Flashers and floaters are pretty common eye problems, even if you have had floaters for years; if you see new ones you should go and have a general eye exam. There is no special exam for flashers either. You just have to talk with your eye care doctor for the best treatment.

What does an eye exam cost?

The average cost of a basic eye exam will run you about $45 - $60. If you do a little creative shopping, often times you can find an eyeglass center who waive the fee if you purchase you eyeglasses from them.

What are important things to discuss with your doctor during an eye exam?

During an eye exam, you should discuss any eye problems that you have been having with your doctor, including, blurred vision, dizziness, allergies, eye fatigue, lens comfort, etc.

How much is it for a contact eye exam?

On average the contact eye exam is $80.00.