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A married woman thinks about it like heres the rate from 0% to 100%. women think it oinly like 15% of the time which is not much so the woman doesnt really

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Q: How often does a woman think about sex?
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I've been thinking about this and i didn't know how to answer this question, so i got together a group of 10 friends including me and for one week we recorded how many times we thought about sex. we then averaged this out! so i can now reveal that it is 5.4 times a day!

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It varies among individuals, but research suggests that teenagers think about sex quite frequently, often multiple times a day. Hormonal changes during adolescence can lead to increased interest and curiosity about sex. Peer influence, media exposure, and personal experiences can also impact how often teenagers think about sex.

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For me, I sat the fastest way to make a woman horny quick, is for her to just clear her mind of everything else and think about sex. It can be the woman having sex with another partner, or her thinking about other random people having sex.

Can a woman loose virginity if she does it with another woman?

That is a very interesting question it actually stumped me too be honest, i think sex is sex, so if you have sex with a woman I'm sure it would still be considered sex, losing your v card in this situation would seem rather sophisticated as technically homosexual female sex is classified as fingering and/or licking out. (scissoring)

What should you do if you think you are in love with someone of the same sex?

Then chase after them. I'm a pansexual woman, meaning I like people regardless of gender or sex.

How can a woman give a man a boner?

In many ways she can make him think about sex if she wants to lead him on

Is there another way for your penis to get aroused?

get porn, think of yourself having sex with a hot woman

How do you know whether a man only wants sex to a woman?

im a widow and met a guy on a chat room we decided to meet at my place then we had sex. now i think i like this guy my question is how will i know if he feels the way to me. he often told he loves and misses me so much, is he in love or just want sex from me?