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From-Will Wilson Baby

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Q: How often do other people come to you with their problems?
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Many people say that they encounter lots of problems right after their wisdom teeth grew Do wisdom teeth always cause problems?

No. If there is enough room they will usually come through into a useful position and cause no more problems than any other tooth. Often there will be some slight discomfort as they come through, but this is only temporary and will disappear once the tooth is fully in position.

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Not really knowing each other

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probably not

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To show people that every body has problems no matter where you come from and no matter how rich you are there is still going to be problems

How often do people come to you for advice?

Far too much

What problems may come from 2 people ruling the same republic?

They will not have the same decision.

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gram sabha is the place people come to dicuss their problems in the village

Why lok sabha is important?

Loksabha is important because the Finance Bill as well as other important Bills come first in this assembly.

Older people often blame younger people for today's problems write an article in which you argue that older people are the ones to blame?

This sounds like your homework. I would know as i have had this before. You should not ask for help to do your GCSE, the harder you push yourself and try, the better the grade you come out with

How does history shape a culture?

History often shapes the culture by causing people to come in contact with other cultures. When this happens, the cultures are changed because of that contact.

What does wisdom come with age or experience?

Often it does, but often idiocy comes with age in certain people

Why do you always think about the way you look and dislike the skin your in even though you know other people in this world have far worse problems?

Humans are never satisfied with what they have, and contentment in this life is hard to come by.