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That depends very mich upon how disrespectful they are, how monogimous they are, and how many times they take part in spiritually detrimental media. Everytime they see a hot chick, instantly. It is irresistable not to think how pleausable it would be to hit the sack with a girl. It happens a lot more than we think it does cuz no one is going to admit it very openly in fear that they will be looked at as a perv. == Answer== A study showed that on average men think about sex every 5 seconds. For a lot of men, anytime there is a lull in their thinking. They need it to brighten up the day. So, if men get bored, even if it's every 10 minutes, they will think about sex. This might be an exargeration, but it does help pass the time. And, also, it depends on who's in the vicinity. If it's at a ball game, it's quite often. Then, if they are reading something good, there might be a while before sex comes up. But it will come up, sooner than you think.

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Q: How often do men think about sex?
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How often do men think about sex in one day?


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They do have UGG's for men, but you probably do no see men wearing them to often, well at-least i don't. I think they made them for both now just for one sex or the other.

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Beacause we think about sex and it ownssss!!!!

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How to have sex and how to act Sexy

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I think it's about 50 50 if anything men end relationships more because they have a bigger sex drive.

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i feel so cool. i think about it all day

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That is a pretty low class slangy way to describe oral sex. however be that as it may there are men that think that this is a discussing habit and there are also many men that look forward to it as a natural part of sex.

How often do boys think about sex?

According to the Kinsey Institute, 54% of men think about at least once a day; 43% of men think about sex a few times per week or a few times per month, and 4% think about sex less than once a month. A 2012 study conducted by the Ohio State University further studied this and discovered (young, unmarried, heterosexual) men think about sex 19 times a day on average. Many sources incorrectly assert men think about sex every 7 seconds. However, there are 86400 seconds in a 24-hour day. That comes out to 0.00022458628842 thoughts per second, or less than one thought per hour. But it doesn't take a mathematical genius to figure out 19 times a day does not translate into a thought every 7 seconds anyway.

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i think is is sex with you baba sexy lady or men