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Q: How nature effects people in bad way?
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Tourism effects an industry in a big way. Many foreign people come from places around the world and spend their money on our economy.

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Tourism effects an industry in a big way. Many foreign people come from places around the world and spend their money on our economy.

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The best answer I can give you is that God created people that way. It is nature's way, and there is no way to find out why.

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Not really, but there is probably a way to keep people safe from a tsunami

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There can be a few risks and side effects from colon cleansing, and the bad might outweigh the good. Possible side effects can be cramping, bloating and nausea.

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Slum people affect the nature because as they have a very uncomfortable and con-justed way of living they can produce a lot of mess.

How does tobacco affect young people?

Mostly the same way it would an adult. The more common effects such as yellow teeth, bad breath etc. and the addiction creating a change in personality to need more of it.

What makes person the kind of person he is?

The reason why a person acts the way they act is because something bad may have happened in their past and they can't break free of it (can't escape from the past). Or they also may have something bad happen to them while they were in school (bullied).So this is why people act the way they act.Another perspectiveSimply expressed: Both their inborn nature and the way by which they were nurtured.

How can the people know if it a bad guy around school?

People can tell if its a bad guy around by the way he dresses, the way he acts, and if eh gets in trouble a lot.

What are the effects of media in your lives in hindi language?

The effects of media in your lives in Hindi language are quite diverse. Besides understanding part of the Hindu language, people are able to learn about different cultures are relate in a better way. Media has brought both good and bad exposure.