Zaleplon may cause drowsiness, numbness, anxiety, depression, headaches, nausea, or a mild skin rash. You also have the chance to suffer a severe allergic reaction well taking Zaleplon which may be life threatening.
depends on how much mgs it is and if the person snorts or not if they snort it then they will get high if not it will not get them high
He is obviously too fat because he eats too much like a piggy. Snort Snort.
One can snort anything.
new about 10 ponds old about 5
Magic *snort snort*
No, toads do not snort. But males do chirp.
Can you snort metadate and if so what happens?
yes, as much as you want. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor an expert in drugs. Do not take snort ANYTHING without consulting a professional. Any injuries including death will not be my responsibility.
enough to snort $200,000 worth of coke a year.
NO, get friends to snort out. NO, get friends to snort out.
magic. ;) *snort snort*