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;kdjgh;sdhjkgd;jkshgkdsjHBg;skjshbkj;gh;kjbhcs;kjhgdsjk hahahaahh xD

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Q: How much would a wig cost if you got burned while drunk sitting next to the toilet?
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What does generalize statement?

a peice of art that you create while your sitting on your toilet

How can you shave your butt and anus while sitting and standing both?

When sitting on the toilet. While stand with one leg up on a bed or bathtub.

What does general statement mean?

a peice of art that you create while your sitting on your toilet

What is the best position for anal shaving while sitting?

On the toilet of course. Just try not to drop the razor.

Will raulen and sparky be successful in making chili mac while drunk?

Raulen and Sparky will probably be successful while making chili mac when they are drunk. The chili mac may be a little burned in the process. However, it should be edible.

Why do we drink Abe zam zam by standing?

It is recommended in Hadith that water be drunk standing sitting but zam zam while standing . There are no arguments on orders given by Allah or Prophet Muhammad SAW .AnswerIt is recommended in shia Islam that water be drunk standing at day and sitting at nights.

Do you get drunk faster if you're drinking while in a jacuzzi?

Not by much. Mostly because your sitting down, so nothing is getting burnt off.

Can sitting on the toilet for excessive amounts of time cause health issues?

There could be a reason while you have to sit for so long on a toilet. See your doctor. One danger is that pressure from the toilet seat on the back of your legs could restrict blood flow and a deep vein thrombosis is possible to form.

How do you fix what was said while drunk?

Easy! Don't get drunk!

Where did santiago calatrava get his ideas from?

His first idea came from just simply looking at the sink tap, while sitting on the toilet. They then developed into more sophisticated ideas, by looking at the sink itself.

What are some of the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

There are many common symptoms of hemorrhoids. This includes discomfort, pain while going to the toilet, small amounts of fresh bright blood and pain whilst sitting.

How do you pee on a dirty toilet while sitting down?

Put paper towels all over the seat first. There are products sold for this purpose, if you get some you won't have to worry next time.