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Q: How much water does a average person drink daily?
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How much water should a person on average drink daily?

around 5% of your body weight

How much water should you be drinking daily if you are 30 years old?

an average person should drink at least 8 glasses per day

How much water does an average person drink?

about 32 gallons

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An average person should be drinking at least 32oz of WATER a day; although 64 is the ideal amount (pop doesn't count it actually dehydrates you).

How many glasses of water does the average person drink a year?


How many people drink water a day?

Everyone should drink water because you need it to survive. (90%-100%)

How many liters of water does an average person consume each day?

how many litres do u drink daily, don't ask me

What is the average amount of water a human should drink in one day?

The average is about 2 to 2.5L Although, an active person will drink between 3 and 5 litres.An average of water to drink is 8-12 cups in a day.

How much water does an average person drink in the African desert?

about 64oz a day

Can you drink water before blood sugar test?

The average person does not drink enough water daily, thus making the blood a bit thicker. It is a good idea to drink water 2 hours before having blood drawn to thin it out a bit making it easier to draw the blood out.

How much water does the average person in the UNITED STATES consume daily?


How much water does an adult need daily to survive?

The recommended amount of water the average person should drink is eight 8oz. glasses per day. This is sometimes called the "8 x 8 Rule."Although, you can drink too much water. This is called water intoxication, and is usually very bad.