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My experience is for a small person with little alcohol and trazodone tolerance a smaller amount would suffice compared to a bigger person with a high tolerance for alcohol and trazodone. Most likely, if taken at the same time, as I have done 300mg traz and 3-4 shots brandy, after about 30 minutes felt like total crap. My muscles and nerves hurt, it back fired and I was wide awake, I didn't peacefully fall asleep as I was trying. My whole body was screaming, like a giant eraser was trying to erase my skin, it was painful and I couldn't twist out of the pain. My mind felt out of control. My body felt heavy, couldn't walk, talk, tried to stand and lost vision, fell down flat, still conscience. It was worse than passing out from being drunk. Much worse. This lasted 30 minutes and then I threw it all up. Don't remember what happened after that, except right after I threw up, which was almost exactly an hour after I washed down the pills with brandy, my pain went away and I just felt drunk only. Then I slept, my husband said he checked on me throughout the night to make sure I was still breathing. I was breathing shallow. But lived to tell the tale and felt like crap the next day. The point is, from what I've read, people throw up before you die. And if I were going to kill myself, this would be the last way, it was horrifying and painful. I just wanted to sleep for once. I'm female, high tolerance to traz, moderate tolerance to alcohol, 150 lbs, 34 yrs., very healthy.

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Q: How much trazodone mixed with alcohol is lethal?
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