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depends how much come is on them

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Q: How much time should you wash your hands for?
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Should you wash your hands with your white gold ring on?

If it is a plain wedding band then there should be no problem but it is advisable to have your ring cleaned from time to time. If however gems are set on to the band, not advisable then to wash your hands with your rings on

Why should you wash your hands after every laboratory?

so you don get jerms can you answer this how much for a clothes line

What should you do before handling food three things?

Wash your hands and arms thoroughly and rinse them in clean water.

When would you wash your hands?

You should always wash your hands after you have been to the toilet and before eating meals. If you feel that you have touched a bacteria infested surface, it is always good to wash your hands.

What happens if you wash your hands too much?

If you over wash your hands, it can result in inflammation suck as ezcema and dermatitis.

What should you do before you prepare for a meal?

wash your hands

How long should you wash your hands?

20 seconds

How many seconds should you wash your hands before cooking?

it doesn't matter how many seconds you should wash your hand, but that you wash them thorougly

What can be used instead of soaps?

I've learned in science class that if you don't have enough time to wash your hands with soap, you shouldn't wash them at all. My teacher said that if you just rub your hands together for about a minute they should be cleansed.

how to wash your hands?

wash your hands :)

How much to wash hands after bathroom?

You can usually do this for free.

When Performing medical aseptic hand washing the hands should be positioned?

In medical you are to wash hand very often. When washing the hands you should wash them with soap from the top to the bottom.