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I was rushed to the hospital with a BG of 22, but was still conscious. So I would guess pretty low; but I'm sure it varies with the general health of the person. The average fasting for a "normal person" in the morning is between 60-100.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Prolonged blood sugar extremes - blood sugar that's either too high or too low for too long - may cause various conditions, all of which can lead to a diabetic coma.Symptoms are influenced by the severity of the hypoglycemia. With longstanding Diabetes, however, you may lose the early warning signs - such as hunger and perspiration - and may only develop symptoms when your blood sugar is dangerously low. This is called hypoglycemia unawareness.levels can not be generalized...have to consult a doctor most essentially for that.

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Q: How much sugar is needed to go into a sugar coma?
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Why would a person go into a diabetic coma?

A person may go into a diabetic coma if their blood sugar levels become dangerously high (hyperglycemia) or low (hypoglycemia). This can happen due to factors such as not taking insulin or medication as prescribed, consuming excessive amounts of sugar, or experiencing illness or stress that affects blood sugar levels. A diabetic coma is a serious medical emergency that requires immediate treatment.

If a patient's blood sugar is to low they may go into a diabetic coma?

yes very lethargic ( it means tired, for those of u that dont no) and a possible coma, its good to keep a small snack with u where ever u go, so when u are active or u feel ur blood sugar level is low u,ll be ok

Where would a coma go in a sentence?

A comma is typically used to separate items in a list or to separate clauses in a sentence. It should be placed where a natural pause occurs in speech or where clarity is needed in the sentence structure.

What to mwhen your blood sugar is 500?

Drink a large glass of water and go to the nearest A & E Dept., It means that your blood sugar is at a dangerous level and if not brought down quickly you can go into cardiac arrest.Drink as much water as you can and call an ambulance.It is a known fact that if you enter an emergency room at the hospital via ambulance you will be seen quicker then if you walk in through the waiting room.There the doctor and medical staff will closely monitor your vital signs and attatch you to an I.V. in order push fluids through your body to bring your B.S. down quickly and to a safer range.

Getting The Right Balance Of Sugar?

The nutrition of a diabetic is extremely important. They cannot get much sugar in their diet because it will increase the blood sugar levels in the body. If this happens, the person would go into diabetic shock. However, if you do not get enough sugar in your diet, you risk going into a diabetic coma because the blood sugar levels would drop too low. Diabetics need to find a balance with the amount of sugar they take in to their bodies.

Can dogs go into comas?

Yes, dogs can go into comas due to various medical conditions such as head trauma, low blood sugar, seizures, or poisoning. A coma is a state of unconsciousness where the brain is not functioning normally, and immediate veterinary attention is needed to determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment.

How does the body respond to decreased blood glucose level?

When your blood glucose levels fall., it means that the sugar in your body is dropping. You need to seek medical advice because you could go into a coma for too low of blood sugar.

Is a blood sugar level of 800 dangerous?

Yes, over 550 the body goes into what is called diabetic ketoacidosis. If not treated the person can go into coma and death can be a result.

Can a ladybug go in a coma?


Can cookies kill you?

no, they can't, unless you go into diabetic coma by choking on it. This is the case for everything. You can even choke and go into a diabetic coma

When did Dr Dre go into a coma?

Dr. Dre didn't go into a coma. However, the music video for the song "I Need A Doctor" shows a scene in which Dr. Dre has an accident with his car and goes into coma.

Why is it bad if diabetics don't eat?

It's bad for a diabetic to not eat because if you don't eat, your blood sugar can go down to extremely low levels, which can lead to coma or death.