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adults are meant to have at least 8 hours of sleep and children are meant ot haveat least 10 hours of sleep

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Q: How much sleep is needed to get the brain working at its best?
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Is your brain more active in the day or night?

probably win yourrr thinking.duhhNot false but logically, it works best at night since your brain started working from the morning. At night your brain has warmed up and your brain works the best.

How many hours of sleep when exercising?

a normal human should get from 6-8 hours of sleep, when excercising it is best if you get your full 8 hours, but don't sleep over 10 hours, it will cause brain sleep, which is basicly being tired, and lazy and feeling like your brain is numb.

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Sleep spindles occur during stages 2 of sleep, they are brief bursts of frequency in our brain wave patterns

Do you go to bed?

Yes. It's best place you can go to get some much-needed sleep at the end of a long day of work. You could sleep elsewhere in the house, but the bed is the most comfortable piece of furniture to sleep in.

Which brain teasers are best for improving memory?

I suggest you go to It is a site where you can find the best brain teasers on the Internet. You can choose among many different games there. For example, there is a game called "Exercise your working memory"; that should be exactly what you are looking for.

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Never ever use male enhancement pills. These are not recommended by W.H.O. All these pills are bad effect on human body or brain. Sudden death, heart attach, high blood pressure, brain hemorrhage or impotency may occur.So be natural, take proper diet, exercise daily, sleep well, be positive.If this not working for you then contact your doctor.

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I believe that the skills I posses are best suited to be apart of this company. for i have the skills and the commitment to delivering what is needed of me

Can video games trouble in sleep?

The bright screen and stimulating gameplay, especially too late at night, can make your brain think that it's time to be awake, therefore making it harder to fall asleep. To avoid this I'm told it's best not to use anything with a screen more than an hour before you go to sleep.

Why do you call the brain the brain?

yuh call the brain the brain cuz its the brain best answer...

How can one see people working?

The process of seeing people working is no different from any other act of 'seeing", which entails a kind of visual perception, where the brain interprets incoming signals from the eyes and the rest of the visual system. Since the visual system mainly relies on incoming light and a working brain, one's best option for seeing working people lies in having or acquiring these components in a suitable manner.

Why do you have sleep paralysis?

Sleep paralysis is a disorder characterized by the inability to move upon falling asleep or waking up. Sleep paralysis occurs as a person is moving in our out of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and is the result of a premature disconnection between the brain and body. While the brain and body normally disconnect during REM sleep, those who suffer from sleep paralysis experience the disconnection as they are about to enter or exit REM instead.Symptoms of Sleep ParalysisSymptoms of sleep paralysis include: Sensations of noise or smellsFeelings of levitationInability to move the bodyFeelings of terrorImages of intrudersCauses of Sleep ParalysisSleep paralysis can be caused by any incident that disrupts normal REM patterns, including jet lack, insomnia, inconsistent sleep hygiene, and brain injury. Treatment of Sleep ParalysisThe best way to banish sleep paralysis is to reestablish normal REM patterns. Going to bed and rising at the same time every day will reintroduce a normal brain-body connection. TreatmentThis is very spiritual phenomenon, and it can be resolved instantly, even though most people are trying to put it in the medical realm. Go to for some easy steps to fix it on your own, without wasting your money.

What disorder would cause paralysis or seizures only when asleep?

Although not associated with seizures, you may be thinking of sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is a disorder characterized by the inability to move upon falling asleep or waking up. Sleep paralysis occurs as a person is moving in our out of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and is the result of a premature disconnection between the brain and body. While the brain and body normally disconnect during REM sleep, those who suffer from sleep paralysis experience the disconnection as they are about to enter or exit REM instead. Symptoms of sleep paralysis include: * Sensations of noise or smells * Feelings of levitation * Inability to move the body * Feelings of terror * Images of intruders Sleep paralysis can be caused by any incident that disrupts normal REM patterns, including jet lack, insomnia, inconsistent sleep hygiene, and brain injury. The best way to banish sleep paralysis is to reestablish normal REM patterns. Going to bed and rising at the same time every day will reintroduce a normal brain-body connection.