--IaminNeed's answer--I would say,uhmmm,considering your 13.I think 100.I am like 11 and I way 129.0/...wow!!But make sure you dont excerise to much because that can make you shorter.
410 pounds
410 lbs
From what my manual says as stock 410 lbs.
Jim Brandstatter is A fat lard and will need to be pushed around in a whellbarrow for the last 5 years of his life.. i heard he is 410 lbs.
From what my manual says as stock 410 lbs.
Well Im ten and i weigh 105 lbs and am skinny so i would say around 95-110 lbs you be under weight if you weighed 85 lbs.
the girl weighs 410 lbs!?!??! what are you saying?
aluminum heads like 410...cast iron heads about 467