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Q: How much should somebody weigh who is 5'3-5'4?
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How much should a 52-year-old weigh with height at 5' 6?

The healthy weight range for somebody 5'6 should be about 115-150 pounds.

Do you multiply the 5's in 5354?

You could if you want to, but there's not much point to it.

How much should I weigh at 4'3?

you should weigh 85 pounds

How much should i weigh at 5'10?

you should weigh about 98-104

How much should a 4 5 tall girl weigh?

They should weigh around 70 pounds.

If you are 11 and weigh 5ft how much should you weigh?

you should weigh about 90-140 if your fat you must weigh 140-160

How much should a 13 girl weigh if she is 5'2?

you should weigh about 120-125

How much should a 5.4 high weigh?

You Should Weigh in 110-140 pounds

How much should you weigh if you are nine years old?

here is your answer i weigh at least a little bit over how much you should weigh but the answer is 70-90 pounds.

You are 5.1 and 11 years old how much should you weigh?

I think you should weigh about 95 to 105lbs I weigh 97lbs.

How much is a seventeen year old female should weigh?

There is no such thing as "should" in this question. Weights vary. If your doctor says your aren't to skinny or weigh too much, then that's what you should weigh.

How much should you weigh in 3th grade?

A grade 3 should weigh about 40 or higher