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Full of vitamins ingest away, assuming no std's aids etc.

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Q: How much semen can be ingested before its dangerous?
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Related questions

How much semen does a sperm whale have in its brain?

none, what would semen be doing in the brain.

How much semen needs to be consumed to give a full daily amount of vitamins?

Semen is not consumed in order to get vitamins, food is.

How much semen comes out during one ejaculation?

a normal man ejaculate semen about one tea spoon or big spoon.

How much vitamin e is in semen?

None. Semen does have some enzymes and very little nutritional value, it is NOT a good source of vitamins, they exist in semen in very small quantities. Try vitamins.

How much of the fluid you drink is turned into semen?


Why is your semen bright green?

too much mountain dew

Can you get blood in your semen from too much sex?

Sure you can't

What will happen if the semen content is too low in men?

Semen is the total ejaculate. The sperm content in the ejaculate is a tiny part (about 5% of the total volume, the rest is lubricating fluids and nourishment for the sperm while it is on its way. Semen content and semen volume would be two different things & your question is ambiguous. If the sperm content of the semen is low you wouldn't be able to conceive children. If the volume is low, you just wouldn't have much ejaculation. you could still have an orgasm, just wouldn't be much semen there.

How much time is needed to recover semen?

About 10-20 minutes.

Do you bcome more likely pregnant with thick sperm?

It's not so much the thickness of the semen, but the number of sperm within the semen. Only a doctor can determine that.

Can humans live on male semen alone?

No. Not much protein, not enough calories, too much salt.

Can drinking too much red wine turn your semen red brown?
