Generally speaking, you have two kidneys, but you need only one -- even though one is the major, the minor working one is sufficient.
Yes, he was born with severe brain cancer which caused kidney failure. Liam was born effectively dead and to keep him alive he had to have 32 injections. The cancer eventually went away, but he knows he only has one working kidney and is planning to have surgery in July or August to replace a kidney, which is a very risky procedure.
There aren't really any advantages over a kidney transplant, as dialysis is used to keep patients alive while they wait for a transplant. Patients are always on the waiting list for a transplant, which shows that there isn't really any benefit.
Well, a tree does produce enough oxygen for a person to stay alive. A small tree, only like, 4 ft. tall couldn't keep somebody alive for long. But a big, regular sized tree could keep somebody alive for a long time. 3-4 people actually.
If you mean lower in the body then yes, otherwise its hard to determine inferior, they both are necessary, and both do their own vital sort of work to keep you alive.
As long as they are alive.
Liam Payne was born with a kidney ailment that left him nearly lifeless at birth. Doctors were able to keep him alive until the condition could be treated.
you have to dod mouth to mouth so that if a person is not breathing then you pass air through your mouth to the other person's lungs to keep them ALIVE
homeosatsis is the regulation of internal environment so as to maintain steady fast of the body regulation. by the way a person can not maintain homeosatsis because is an involuntary action being perfomed by the kidney so a person can not control it
how did the african keep their culture alive in the maroon communties
Keep the Flame Alive was created on 2004-09-07.