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I don't know how much of the body's oxygen the brain needs, but when the brain does not receive enough, a stroke occurs.

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Q: How much of the body's oxygen does the brain need and what happens when it doesn't?
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Blood. All of the blood in your body needs to come into contact with your lungs to be infuse with oxygen so that this oxygen can help nourish your brain.

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The cerebellum in the brain.

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Is the 'fainting game' bad for your brain?

Yes and it can kill you. The reason you "faint" is that you are cutting off oxygen to the brain. When that happens you are killing your body and brain. The brain needs oxygen to work correctly and at the very least you can cause brain damage to your brain if you keep this up.

What happens if your brain loses some oxygen?

If your brain loses some oxygen, it can lead to symptoms like dizziness, confusion, and in severe cases, unconsciousness. Prolonged lack of oxygen can cause permanent brain damage or even be fatal. It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect a lack of oxygen to the brain.

What happens when oxygen is cut off from the brain?

When oxygen is cut off from the brain, brain cells begin to die within minutes, resulting in permanent brain damage or death. Lack of oxygen to the brain can cause symptoms such as confusion, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. Immediate medical attention is necessary to restore oxygen supply and prevent irreversible damage.

What happens when the blood has less than it normal oxygen carrying capacity?

Brain failure