With the 21 day pill, you leave a gap of 7 days. As long as you have been taking your pills as directed, you do not need additional contraception for the non pill-taking days.
leave a gap
No way! You must take the pill for seven days before you are safe.
P12 per pill :)
If you are off the pill then yes you can become pregnant. Generally it takes awhile for the pill to leave your system but it is not unheard of to become pregnant right after stopping the pill.
I pay $5 a pill.
When changing the spark plugs of a car it is important to leave the right gap size. The Spark plug gap for this car is .042 inches.
testing marijuana for leave yabapill
When changing the spark plugs to any vehicle, it is important to leave the correct sized gap. The spark plug gap for this car is .035 inches.?æ
No, you should not have more than a seven day gap or you run the risk of pregnancy. You should always take your pill as scheduled, regardless of bleeding.
2 days 3 tops!
It would depend how long you have been on the pill before. If you have taken the pill for over 7 days then you are protected while you take the 'period gap'. If you have only just started taking the pill the chances are low but you still could become pregnant.