If you eat a healthy diet they can grow 12 feet
Most people grow two feet while still unborn, which may be counted as their first year, and never grow more during their life. In special cases, a person may be born with less or more feet, but this is very uncommon.
i think its 1/2 or 1 inch a year
It will take a tree a very long time to grow feet.
they weigh up to 80 to 100 pounds and grow upto 3 feet
Marijuana plants can grow anywhere from a few feet to over 15 feet in a year, depending on the strain, growing conditions, and genetics. Outdoor plants tend to grow taller than indoor plants due to the unlimited space and light available.
They grow as much as 4.5 cm year. But colonies of coral grow as much as 10 cm a year
In the wild they grow 1 to 1 an half feet but in captevity they grow 4 feet in a year.
Depends on your genetics! Some men can grow in to their early or mid-twenties but not that much. A 17-year-old male can maybe grow 1 to 2 1/5 inches
20 million grow in a year
3 to 10 feet a year!
Nothing to do with shoe size. Some males keep growing even into their mid-20's!