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3 to 4 to 5 glasses should be enough. Children can loose their appetite if they have to much. it is also great to have this amount of milk because, if not, they will have many more problems when they reach their adult ages.

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12y ago
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14y ago

According to Canada's food guide a 8 year old female should have 2 dairy products each day so that could be two glasses or milk or milk alternatives such as cheese and yogurt. A 8 year old male should have the same thing.

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nutrition man

Lvl 2
3y ago

Hydration tips for children

Two thirds of our bodies are made up of water. Being dehydrated can cause poor sports performance, tiredness, headaches and crankiness — and it can lead to serious medical problems.

Signs your child could be dehydrated include:

-dizziness or light-headedness


-a headache

-dark yellow or brown urine

-dry lips, tongue, mouth or throat

What does your child need?

Water is the best choice for children. Avoid sports drinks, fruit juices, soft drinks and flavoured mineral waters since they all contain sugar and are acidic, which can lead to tooth decay.

The recommended daily intake of water for children is:

-5 to 8 years old: 5 glasses (1 litre)

-9 to 12 years old: 7 glasses (1.5 litres)

-13 years old and over: 8 to 10 glasses (2 litres)

Children need even more water when they are exercising.

Your child should drink before, during and after physical activity — even if they aren’t thirsty.

If you would like me to provide you more info on hydration tips for children.

just email me at [nutritionman123 @ g mail] REMOVE the spaces and ill send you all the info you need (For Free Of Course)

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16y ago

3 in the morning,lunch, dinner

8 oz glasses

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13y ago

7 year olds should have three and three quaters 200ml glasses of reduced fat milk

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16y ago

8 glasses per a day

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14y ago

About 3.

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