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The average sized adult bladder can hold approx. 12 onces (350ml) of fluid before the urge to urinate becomes strong.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Usually about 500mL, but the capacity varies from person to person: it can be as low as 300mL or as high as 1L.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

anywhere from 1000 to 1500 milliliters

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Q: How much liquid does the human bladder hold?
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How much liquid can the bladder hold?


How much does a human bladder hold?

About 2 cups.

How much does and African elephant bladder hold?

An African elephant's bladder can hold up to 18-26 gallons (70-100 liters) of liquid waste at a time. They have a large bladder capacity to allow them to hold urine for longer periods between bathroom breaks in their natural habitat.

How much urine can the bladder hold?

A healthy bladder can hold up to 16 ounces (2 cups) of urine...

External dimensions of the human bladder?

The human bladder is roughly the size and shape of a pear when empty, measuring approximately 12 centimeters in length and 6 centimeters in diameter. When full, it can expand to hold around 400-600 milliliters of urine before signaling the need to urinate.

How much fluid can the bladder hold?

The majority of sources report that the adult bladder could contain about 600 to 800 cm3 (ml). However, they also noted that the Micturition point is between 150 and 300 cm3 (ml). It is rather variable.

At max how much urine can your bladder hold?

500 ml

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An adult's human stomach can holdabout 1 quart (.94 liters) of food/liquid.

What causes bladder explosion?

The bladder explosion occurs if you hold your urine for more than 7 hours because the urine overfills the bladder. It's like a balloon that gets too much air. The longer you hold, the higher the risk of bladder explosion will be.

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