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Q: How much is too much B 12?
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Can you take too much b12?

The National Institute of Health says there is no upper daily limit for vitamin B-12.

Can you get too much vitamen b?

Yes. Too much vitamin B can result in nausea and lack of appetite.

Is taking 2500 micro gram of B 12 too much?

You do not have enough of B 12 in vegetarian diet. It takes years to develop the deficiency symptoms of B 12. The vegans should be given injections of B 12 routinely by the doctors. At least yearly. This vitamin is stored in your liver in large quantity. 2500 micro grams of B 12 is usual dose and is not too much.

Can you take too much vitamin B12?

The National Institute of Health says there is no upper daily limit for vitamin B-12.

Why can you have to much vitamin b 12 in body?

This may be a sign of liver damage due to alcohol consumption; in this case, the GGT will also be elevated.

Why Cant Lions survive in Polar Regions?

It is much too cold for them to survive there.

How much weight can you lose on b 12?


How does vitamin b effect your health?

I'm really not sure about vit. b but vit b-12 can make you tired, irritable,and lethargic if you have a b-12 deficiency, that's why a b-12 shot gives you so much engery, if you are not b-12 deficient and you take "engery"pills that are only b-12 it will really not do you any good

What happens if an animal has too much vitamin b?

they die

When was Too B or Not Too B created?

Too B or Not Too B was created on 2008-05-10.

How many too ghoul for school books are there?

There are currently 10 "Too Ghoul for School" books in the series by B. Strange.

When was Never Too Much - album - created?

Never Too Much - album - was created on 1981-08-12.