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Q: How much is the defecit?
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How large is the british defecit?

£156 billion

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The exercise phase where lactic acid is being produced?

Oxygen Defecit

Has Syria balanced their budget?

No the Saad family has surplus but the syrian economy is in defecit.

What is trade defecit?

Say you live in Canada and the government is trading with other countries. It is a comparison between how much you trade to how much you sell. If you trade more then you sell then that's a trade deficit. You basically owe money.

What do you call a situation that exists when a nations imports are worth more that its exports?

This is called a trade defecit.

Is there a cure for short attention span?

Yeah, it means you probably have Attention Defecit Disorder(ADD) go consult a doctor.

What kind of drinks can a person with attention defecit disorder drink?

Any kind. unless the person is allergic to dairy or other food products

What was the contribution of Margarito Teves to economics?

He oversaw the initiative, undertaken by the Filipino government, to reduce the large budget defecit under the Arroyo administration.

Does a national deficit exist in Latvia?

According to the CIA Factbook Latvia's budget does have a defecit of $57 million but those figures refer to estimates and might not be correct.

Is Japan in a deficit or surplus?

Japan has a defecit of some 100 billion dollars.. Why this is so baffles me. They have a huge trade surplus with the rest of the world Go figure.

What did the US do to Europe after World War 2?

They Preceded in Triumph of Germany and Japan World War 2 ended the Great Depression as defecit spending was increased and more jobs were avaible