IU stands for International Unit and is a measure of the biological activity, not a weight or a volume. It will usually list how many IU there are per weight or volume or item.
1 ng is 0.04 IU. So, to convert 12.5 microgram, multiply 12500 nanogram with 0.04; the required answer is 500 IU
The recommended daily allowance for Vitamin E is 500 IU. Vitamin E should only be taken be people who are 18 years of age or older.
IU is international units and it's same whether it's of 40 IU or 100 IU insulin. But one is supposed to use 40 iu syringe for 40 IU and 100 IU syringe for 100 IU insulin. You take 30 units in corresponding syringe, dose is gonna remain same. If you interchange the syringe then things get complicated and need to do some math. So for 30 units of 40 IU insulin and want to use 100 IU/ml syringe then you need to use 75 units of 40 IU in 100 IU syringe. Avoid interchange of syringe to be safe.
5000 IU (Men) 4000 IU (Women). Do take too much. Excess vitamin A is stored in the body, and too much can make a person ill.
IU is in LEON entertainment
To determine how many 600 IU calcium tabs are needed to equal 50,000 IU, you would divide the total IU by the IU per tab, so 50,000 IU divided by 600 IU per tab equals approximately 83 tabs.
1,000 IU = 25ug
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