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I'd say around 50euro.

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Q: How much is 1 gram of crystal meth chunks worth?
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What does a gram of crystal meth weigh?

A gram of crystal meth weighs 1 gram, which is equivalent to approximately 0.035 ounces.

How much does twenty dollars of crystal meth weigh?

The weight of a substance like crystal meth can vary depending on its purity and other factors. Generally, $20 worth of crystal meth could weigh anywhere from 0.1 to 0.3 grams. We strongly advise against using or purchasing illegal drugs.

What does .25 grams of meth look like?

.25 grams of meth is equivalent to about the size of a matchstick head or a small crystal. It can vary in appearance depending on its form (crystal, powder, or rock) and purity.

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Is crystal meth grown?

No, crystal meth is not grown. It is a man-made substance. Crystal meth is cooked up in homemade laboratories.

Can it be harmful to lace weed and crystal meth?

Doing weed and crystal meth together is no more dangerous than doing crystal meth alone.

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What is a very addictive stimulant that is very expensive?

Cocaine. In the U.S., cocaine normally costs between $40 and $80 a gram, depending on supply and demand. Another potential answer is crystal meth, however, the price of crystal meth varies widely. Because cooking up crystal meth creates a horrible -- and very distinctive -- stench that can be smelled for miles around, it is difficult to make it in densely populated urban areas. In places like New York City, it can cost up to $100 a gram, while out in places like Arizona, it costs $30 to $40 a gram.

How much does a gram of meth weigh?

A gram of meth weighs 1 gram.

What legal drug looks like crystal meth in a urine test?

Oh, dude, that's a tricky one! The legal drug that can make you look like you've been hanging out with Heisenberg is good ol' Sudafed. Yeah, the stuff you take for a stuffy nose can sometimes show up as meth in a urine test. So, next time you're feeling under the weather, just remember you might end up looking like a Breaking Bad extra at the doctor's office.

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