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Q: How much income does Florida make on tourism each year?
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How does Florida make most of its money?


What is the importance of tourism in hospitality industry?

Tourism has a great importance to the hospitality industry because without tourism, many in the hospitality industry would not have work. Many hotels and restaurants rely on tourism to make up a good portion of the income.

If you reside in Florida but work for an Ohio company do you have to pay Ohio Taxes?

i don't know about Ohio but usually you have to file for each state you make income in, but some states you'll be exempt if you make a small enough income there or you're stationed in the military and don't live there, but some states don't have income tax at all. check the state requirements before you file

How much money does Egypt make from tourism each year?

kim3.b i level 20.

Average low income family income?

According to the Census bureau, the average income for a black family is just over $30,000 a year. According to the Census bureau, the average income for a black family is just over $30,000 a year.

What is the most important way the islanders make a living?

The islanders make a living primarily through fishing and tourism. Fishing provides a sustainable source of income and food for the community, while tourism brings in additional revenue through accommodations, tours, and local products.

How does Louisiana make their money?

Louisiana makes money in a variety of ways, including from income tax, sales tax, corporate tax, gambling fees, tobacco taxes, oil and gas revenue, tourism, timber sales, agricultural taxes, and severance taxes.

How does Puerto Rico make money?

As far as I know the main way of income into Puerto Rico is through their tourism, such as hotels, resorts and places like that

How much can you save on taxes if you move to Florida from Maryland?

How much you might save on state income taxes depends on your income. Florida has no personal state income tax. Income taxes before exemptions in Maryland range from 2% if you make a dollar a year to 6.25% if you make more than one million dollars, with most people falling in the 4.75% bracket. If a single person earned the median US income of $32,140 per year, they would save $1526.65 per year, before any deductions or exemptions.

How much does each member of super junior make as income?

6000000000000000 million dollars

What do x-ray tech make in jacksonville fl?

The average income for an X-ray technician in Jacksonville, Florida is $35,000 per year. The average annual income for this position in Boulder, Colorado is $36,000.

How does Florida state make money?

Tourism, among other things, and of course, like any government, taxes!