Usually, it is healthy to consume 3-5 tablespoons of honey per day. If you average 4 tablespoons per day and extend that to a year you would consume 4 x 365 = 1,460 tablespoons per year. To put that in a more practical measurement, you would consume about 730 ounces (45.6 pounds). Thats about 46 16-ounce jars of honey per year. Of course, your individual consumption level will vary, depending on how much honey you consume each day. The USDA estimates that a typical American consumes a little less than 1.5 pounds of honey per year. That makes sense, since most Americans do not consume honey every day.
I feed my part-arab 1 table spoon twice a day, I hope this helps, feel free to question me.
1.39 per lb The retail price in the UK for UK produced honey is around £5 per pound.
According to the USDA: 52 mg of potassium per 100 grams of honey (5 tablespoons)
3 time a day per a day do not feed them to much
once per day
the number of hardship is much more larger than good things.
Not too much. Maybe £60 per day (I think)
$4500 per month pro rata per day
5lbs per person per day
100 gallons
How much electrical energy does the average American require per day ? How much electrical energy does the average American require per day ?