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Answer is .. not very. Concussion is a brain shake. The brain is surrounded by fluid which cushions impacts, though anything too significant (punch to the head etc) will cause your brain to shake and hence cause concussion. Symptoms can include dizziness, nausia etc. Concussion is typically short lasting. If the patient deteriorates, or the symptoms last longer, seem urgent medical treatment. Skull injuries can cause compression (where a fluid build up on the brain compresses it down onto the nerve bundles) which is far more serious.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

when in a contact sport such as football, a concussion can occur when someone is contacted at speeds up to 28 mph or 9.3 m/s.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

50 gs of force

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Q: How much force does it take to get a concussion?
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How much pressure does it take to get a concussion?

100 G's

How many pounds of force it does it take to cause get a concussion?

It is not solely about the pounds of force, but the acceleration of the head that plays a significant role in causing a concussion. Concussions can occur from impacts as low as 70-120 Gs (gravitational forces). Any force that causes the brain to quickly accelerate and decelerate within the skull can result in a concussion.

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Can you take Diazepam with concussion.

How many newtons of force does it take to get a concussion?

There is no specific amount of force that can universally cause a concussion, as it depends on various factors such as angle of impact, location on the head, and individual differences. However, research suggests that concussions can occur at forces as low as 50-100 g, which corresponds to about 490-980 N.

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The brain is soft tissue enclosed in hard bone, the skull. When the head is hit with force, it cuases the brain to hit the skull causing a "bruise' or concussion.

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How many pounds of pressure cause a concussion?

Concussions can occur with as little as 78-117 pounds of force applied to the head. The severity of the concussion depends on various factors including the direction and location of the impact, the individual's age and health, and the force of the impact.

If you get hit with a football in the face and your nose bleeds can you get a concussion?

Yes, if the hit to the head is hard enough. I personally threw a pass that hit a friend hard enough to give him a concussion. We had to take him to the campus clinic. They diagnosed him with a concussion.

What is a double concussion?

A double concussion is a concussion that immediately follows the first concussion, or occurs before the injured party is asymptomatic.

What does the candle is snuffed out by the concussion mean?

This phrase likely means that the candle flame was extinguished by a sudden burst of air or force, like a blast or shockwave. The concussion refers to a powerful shock or impact that put out the candle flame.

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force is not a think it is only in star wars

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