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A shitload.

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Q: How much feces one person produce in day?
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How much is the average daily feces output in a normal person?

120 grams a day

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How much garbage does one person produce an day?

How am i supposed to know, About 10 pounds

How many pounds can a goose poop?

A goose can produce about 2 pounds of feces per day on average.

how much does a hman deficate a day?

The normal range for daily pooping is from three times a day to once every three days. Therefore, it would be fair to say that the average person poops about once a day. Feces are mostly made of water (about 75%).

Who has colored feces?

Pretty much everyone will have a few variations of colored feces in their lives. Sometimes it is due to health concerns, but usually it is just what you ate or drank recently. If you had way too much blue or purple Kool-Aid the day before, then that will color your feces.

How much snot does an average person produce in a year?

A person can produce 1/2 a cup of snot a day, not during allergy season or with a winter cold. During a winter cold, up to 3 cups a day, and during allergy season, up to 5 cups a day. lol. Do the math.

How much do chinchillas poop?

Chinchillas produce small, dry, pellet-like feces which are usually about the size of a grain of rice. They have a fast metabolism, so they tend to poop frequently throughout the day. It's common for them to have around 200-300 droppings per day.