you should work out every day if you really want to build muscle, but if you are just trying to get in shape about once every three days for about one to one and a half hours. start with something that is comfortable and then as you get stronger add onto the weight.
To keep your bones and body healthy. However if you have too much exercise , you could kill yourself. Recommended amount: 30 minutes a day
Any exercise is better than nothing, but it is recommended that you get about 30 minutes of exercise per day. More if you can.
you should at least exercise 30 minutes a day
2 hours if you want
a minimum of 30 minutes a day
About 1 hour a day.
you need to day atleast twenty minutes a day
You could suffer from exhaustion.
I think that people should get at least 2 to 3 hours of exercise every day :)
A kid should exercise 30-45 mins per day.
about once a day perhaps
At least 2 hours