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dude i think your being over charged

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Q: How much does it cost to breathe?
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3,857.21 more or less depending on how much air you breathe in

How much hydrogen is permissible to breathe?

Not much......

How much of the air we breathe is nitrogen?

Approximately 78 of the air we breathe is nitrogen.

Do whales breathe?

Whales certainly Breathe. they have lungs pretty much just like you and I.

How much oxygen do you breathe in?


Why is it hard for people to breathe and they don't have much energy when they are sick?

when i have a cold, it is hard for me to breathe. i don't have much energy. why do you think this happen

Cost of oxygen per metric ton?

Free, because we breathe it daily

When exercsing how much oxygen do you breathe out?

The same amount you wil just breathe in more often

How much air did Jasmine breathe out?

as much or less then she brethed in

You breathe out the same amount of nitrogen as you breathe in Why is this?

because the haemoglobin present in our blood has no capacity to absorb nitrogen so the result is that the nitrogen is not absorbed and you breathe out the same amount of nitrogen as you breathed in.......

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How much percent of oxgyen you breathe?

Typically, the air you breathe is comprised of 18 to 21 percent Oxygen.