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Q: How much does a person burp in a year?
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How many times does the average person burp a year?

It would be 63 times every year

How much should a 12 year old girl burp?

At most 20 when doing it unintentionally and healthy.

Can you burp so much that you die?


How many times can 13 year old girls burp?

It depends on how much gas is trapped inside the girl, not the age of the girl.

Can a person burp and pass gas at the same time?


How many times does a person burp a day?

often 0

Why do you burp so much?

Because everyone does!

What date is diwale this year?

17th October 2009 burp

Can girls burp more than guys?

Everyone burbs around the same its natural.

Name something a person sitting next to you at a bar might do to annoy you?

Flirt Talk too Much Burp SmokeGet Drunk Stare Get too loud

How often should a person burp on average?

2 burps per day

What helps a person burp?

Drink soda coca cola fast and then burppppppppppppppppp!!!