it all depends. if ur a small fragile boy or girl it could really hurt u. or it can depend on how long the needle is.... but in the end it all depends on YOU...
Shots do not hurt silly :P
I was wondering do shots hurt me if
It's normal to feel a little prick when getting a shot, but the pain is usually minimal and short-lived. The discomfort typically fades quickly after receiving the vaccine. Remember to take deep breaths and stay relaxed during the shot to make it easier.
no it do not hurt
no loosen your arm shots dont hurt
When I got booster shots in my bottom for school they didn't hurt much at the time but I couldn't sit down for days afterwards.
Yes they do hurt but don't worry the shot last a second.
Hey retard. Somebody just stabbed your muscle. why wouldnt it hurt?!
Pretty much all shots hurt a little. That is only natural when you are being stuck with a needle. They aren't terrible though. It's a quick poke. It hurts for a minute. It's done. Your arm might be sore for a day or two from the vaccination liquid.
Yes, they can go as fast as 100mph
Because the shot is delivered into the muscle.
not that bad if you don't think about it