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Q: How much carbon is needed for good health?
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The recommended daily intake of sulfur for good health is not established by health authorities. However, sulfur is present in many foods, such as eggs, meat, fish, garlic, onions, and cruciferous vegetables, which can help meet the body's sulfur needs for optimal health.

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Is cake bad for your health?

well cupcakes are very good but they are not good for your health

Is carbon dioxide a good thing or a bad thing?

Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring gas that plays a vital role in the Earth's atmosphere by trapping heat and keeping the planet warm enough to support life. However, excessive levels of carbon dioxide due to human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, are contributing to global warming and climate change. Therefore, while carbon dioxide is necessary in moderation, high concentrations of it in the atmosphere can have negative consequences.

Less bleeding is good for health?

Yes, it is. But too much blood is not good for health. The healthier food you eat, the more blood you get.

Why is the principle of self-government important to maintaining good health?

The principle of self-government is important for maintaining good health because it empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their well-being. By taking responsibility for their health choices, individuals are more likely to prioritize healthy habits and seek out medical care when needed. This self-awareness and autonomy can lead to better health outcomes in the long run.

Why is it good to plant a plant?

Well because not only does it improve our environment but it is also good for your health. Plants breath in what we breathe out, carbon dioxide. Plants give off oxygen which we breath in. Not only do they suck our carbon dioxide in so we don't have to breathe that but they give off the oxygen to improve our breathing and the health of our lungs is much better then not having a plant. When you think about it, having many plants is also a good decoration inside or outside your home. So in short their are three reasons why it's good to plant a plant: 1) It improves our environment 2) It improves your health 3) It can be a good decoration inside or outside your home.

What can one never have to much?

Money and good health, of course!

How do you say goodbye for now and much good health in Spanish?

Good bye for now is bueno adiós para ahora. Good health ismucha salud buena.

How does income affect your health?

Income can have a significant impact on health. Higher income generally allows for better access to healthcare, nutritious food, safe housing, and other resources that contribute to better health outcomes. Lower income can lead to increased stress, limited access to healthcare, and higher rates of chronic health conditions.

Is too much computer games good for your health?

No, it is bad for your health because of radiation from the screen and stuff.

What is the use of having good health?

it is good to be healthy so that we have much energy to play and work